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Feb 2024 update

My resume have pink words in there is because of print shop issues. I tried to re-print it, after a dozen tries. After more than a month, nearly two months of effort to try mass producing my prefect resume hard copies, I decided to manually edit my resume with a pen, and explain the situation here. This way I can use the many copies of my first mass print attempt.

Feb 14, 2024 update

I got my Smart Serve a few days ago! I can work at restaurant now. Continue to work hard at getting a job.

If any employer want to see my Smart Serve certificate, I'll bring it with me to an interview at the restaurant. Please provide me with the name of your restaurant.

Feb 28, 2024 update
So far I've sent up to 40 resumes, one job fair, got two replies, and went to one interview so far.

The most 
bizarre thing can happen in interview sometimes. For example today, I have stated the hard work I did in the past 6 years, which is hard work every single day on my resume, and the person who's interviewing me asked me "what did you do the year before? did you stay at home?" , he's implying that I just stayed home and did nothing, when in my resume I clearly listed my work experience 

Anyways, I'll continue to live everyday productively, as if I'm working, which I already am. Books says, to manifest finding a good job (GOOD job), you must treat finding work like work it self, wake up on time, dress up, be productive maybe 3 to 5 hours a day, contribute to work 8 hours a day. And it is what I'm doing now.
March 4, 2024 update
So far I'm making progress, I went on another pleasant interview, did a full meal prep first time in my life, with breakfast lunch and dinner. I know the meal prep has nothing to do with career, but it feels nice to try something for the first time in my life, and it saves my budget. I've experienced what it feels like to live in the city again. I logged into some of my accounts, read 2 chapters of a new book I'm starting. 

By the way, I just finished reading Dean Graziosi's Millionaire Success Habit. it is a feel good book, and it made me feel good. There are other feel good books, like The Secret, Donald Trump's Think Big and Kickass in Business and Life. After I finished with the one I'm reading now, I'm going to do Warren Buffet's biography. There is more than enough to read now, I feel content.
March 18, 2024 update
Recently I've started the 2-2-2 method, which is 2 hours of drawing, 2 hours of handing out resume, and 2 hours of reading each day.

Today, instead of emailing 5 to 10 resumes using 2 hours, I used the time went downtown to hand out resume in person. As usual, I talk a lot, trying to tell the person what's valuable on my resume, giving heads up that my resume don't have a lot of restaurant related information. The person immediately says if he's going to give out interviews he's going to contact us on Friday, without giving me a chance to communicate, judging me immediately. So I extreme my courteous back, as I must put myself in a good mood, instead of letting any stranger using the excuse to "possibly hire me" to give me attitude, judgement with an immediate "We would call if we decide to interview you" to stop me from further communication

Regarding the job I tried last week, I just realized I informed many people "hot and cold room is due to insufficient insulation", even though they didn't buy from me, some even is mean, but I spread the message, and now I know what insulation meant! But must move on, to find new jobs, I'm grateful for this experience.
March 19, 2024 update
I got another certificate, a week for studying paid off, hopefully that land me my restaurant job.
May 24, 2024 update
Now that I got my Smart Serve, Food handler certificate and attended a HWTC (a hospitality workshop training), I feel I'm much better equipped for a waitress position while studying accounting.

I feel much joy studying, reading and taking walks, all I need is a motivating job and a source of income. As I'm working so hard right now, to improve myself, and to keep a positive mind set, I must find it soon. After all, I already handed out 500 resumes.

Recently I read a book on well being and happiness, it says it's important to enjoy life as much as to work hard, I'm getting up everyday at 7am, and enjoy life, I must be doing things right.
June 16, 2024
As I'm doing job search, I got some getting fit tips to share:
You might think in order to become fit you must do Cardio or strength training. Well that is not true. From a course I've taken, I learned to become fit you need to move your body, and do a variety of exercises, and most of all, it should be exercise you enjoy doing.

Me personally, I like to do Yoga, and take walks in nature, and it works for me. Because when you are doing exercise you don't like, or your desire to become fit does not run through your process of exercising, it creates stress hormone in your body, HIIT workout where you only do them for a few minute a day might work to get it out of your way, but in the long run it's not as beneficial. 

For example, I checked two people who is doing the "walk 10,000 steps a day for a week" challenge, one person really enjoy it, she walked in nature, and sometimes would even walk 20,000 a day, she lost weight after a week, and her face already have some difference from a week ago. Where the other person is trying to finish a chore, she was sometimes working in treadmill sometimes walking in different places to finish off the 10,000, but she doesn't enjoy it, after a week her belly was bigger than a week ago.

As you can see, you must enjoy your exercise, or the effect might not be what you desire. 
June 28, 2024 Healthy Eating Trilogy Part 1

Lately I feel healthy eating really helped me reduce a bit of weight. People might feel like they want to lose weight in a night, but it’s actually better if you lose one pound or two pounds a week. And healthy eating can play a part in it.  

I just did some research, healthy eating not only help you think for clearly, it also helps with gut health, mood. 

Different height and age, healthy weight varies, you need to find a chart and see where you are at, just type in Google “Healthy weight chart”, here I have one, check if your weight is healthy: 

Being overweight can cause heart disease, type 2 diabetes, liver disease, even cancer. Even if you don’t get these, you might still easily feel breathlessness. 

The good news is with healthy eating you already won half of the battle.  

Here is what the food does for you, 


Macronutrient: Protein, fat, carbohydrate gives you energy, and helps you to keep on living, maintain body structure and systems 

In details: 
Carbs: body’s primary fuel, provide energy to muscles and nervous system, some healthy source for it - Whole grain, vegetable, fruits, beans. Unhealthy source are sugary snacks, cereal, donut, soda 
Protein: provide structure to tissue, include organ, muscle, skin, hair, nails, bones, blood plasma, etc. Some healthy sources of protein are beans, soy product, lean meat, fish, seafood, whole grains. Unhealthy sources are processed meat 
Fats: Energy reserve, protection of organs. Some healthy sources are avocado, fatty fish. Unhealthy sources are packaged baked goods, fried foods 

These are some of the research examples aligns with my experiences, I still eat fried chicken sometimes, just reduce the unhealthy ones, you don’t have to completely don’t eat them. And increase healthy food.


Micronutrients: people need them as much as they need Macronutrients, with Macronutrients you can live, but if you want to be a healthy baby, you need micronutrients too. Scientifically from research, here’s what it says “produce enzymes, hormones and other substance needed for normal growth and development”, it also said lack of Micronutrient can cause “visible and dangerous health conditions”, so do eat Micronutrients! 
Sources of them are by just eating whole food, like instead of eating vitamin C pills, eat an orange, you can eat a pill, but don’t forget to eat the orange too, as it has all the Micronutrients. Instead of eating an Omega-3 pill, eat a fish. Whole foods can have much more elements in there, that artificial foods can never have enough 

Ok, here’s what I got to say today,  I plan to write a trilogy on it, because I’m constantly trying to lose weight, and I found out some information. 


Here are some links:,improve%20concentration%20and%20attention%20span



June 29, 2024 Healthy Eating Trilogy Part 2

Let start with calories today, what is calories: 

Calories are unit of energy from caloric theory of heat, it’s the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 Liter of water by 1-degree Celsius.

And we need energy from calories for body to work properly, but if you eat and drink the same amount of calories, with the same type of food and burn the same amount of calories (burn calories is exercising), then your body is going to stay the same. So in order to lose weight you will need calories deficit, even though what kind of calories are you eating is also important, like are you eating healthy calories or unhealthy ones? But if you are eating healthy calories but ate tons and move the same amount, you’ll still gain weight, in average a woman need to eat 2000 calories a day and a man 2500, of course it differs depend on your age, height, and how active you are, here is a calculator in this article: 


You can calculate how many calories you need to eat to lose weight with above link, also, if you eat below the amount you’ll become unhealthy, and you won’t get good body shape, I accidentally did it once, that I didn’t eat much because I was unhappy and don’t have appetite, and I ate extremely less for 4 to 5 month, and my belly did not reduce, but my chest reduced, and I look so bad. So do use the calculator! 

You can also do more exercise than usual, but eat right and you already won 70% of the battle. 


Now we’ll talk about what calories we should intake, in general, a balanced diet,

a person name Eric from Mind Valley said instead of thinking what to take from your diet, think of what to add in your diet. (This does not include junk food, although if you really crave, a tiny bit of junk food is fine I guess, but not too much) anyways, back to topic, so you gotta eat a variety of food, don’t go to an extreme diet like not eating any animal products at all, or not eat any carbs at all, instead, think, I ate so much meat and so less veggies, now I’m going to eat less meat, the meat is going to be healthy lean meat, and some fish, and I’ll add more variety vegetables into my diet, or I love carbs and I don’t eat proteins, now I’m going to add some tofu into my diet, or some chickpeas, or I always eat my vitamin pills to eat less, now you are going to make room for some fruits to add some micronutrients into your body. 


Let me paste some examples of a balanced meals: 

Breakfast: - Greek yogurt + berries + peanut butter 
- tortilla + egg and cheese + salsa 
- congee with chia seeds + tofu and miso soup + side vegetables like pickled cucumber 
Lunch or dinner: -Salmon and avocado salad 
-pan fried porkchop with mash potatoes and spinach salad 
-beef stir fry with vegetable 


Now that we know the importance of a balanced diet, we can look at portion control, as we talked about it in calories deficit, I’ll have to say, if you are 155cm, and you are not pregnant or doing intense exercise, and you are eating 5 cheese burgers for a meal, that is definitely going to let you gain or stay at a heavier side weight. 

Here are some tips to portion control, you can: 
- use smaller plate 
- keep a food diary to track how much you are eating 
- drink more water regularly so you are always full with water 
- eat slowly and savor the food so you are full before you eat more 
- don’t eat from the container, scoop it out and eat the scooped-out portion 
- read food labels understand how much calories and control your portion 


Ok, this is what I gotta say today, wait for part 3 of my trilogy! 


Here are the links:,calories%20you%20eat%20and%20drink





June 30, 2024 Healthy Eating Trilogy Part 3

Today we’ll talk about a few things, let’s start with what food we should eat more what we should avoid eating. 


First of all, we should eat more fruit and vegetables, it’s got antioxidants, vitamins, mineral and fiber. After we get the most important food out of the way, we should also eat these food more: fish, broccoli, spinach or leafy greens, kale, nut butter, mangos,  

See? These are all pretty yummy, 
Also eat whole grain instead of refined grains. 


And avoid eating these: food with added sugar, low calory sweeteners, no calory sweeteners, foods high in salt (like canned food, hot dogs, frozen dinner), foods high in mercury (like shark, I mean who would eat shark, please eat normal fish, bigeye tuna, not sure what that is, must be a weird fish), unpasteurized food or drink (I think this one everyone agree on) 

If you want to know what fish to eat here’s a chart, most fish are good to eat, but there are weird ones: 


Now let’s talk about how we can eat,  

First, we can meal prep, there’s a lot of benefit, for me, if I meal prep when I want to eat the food is there, especially if you make it yummy, when you want to buy outside, you just think of the yummy food you can just heat up and eat, then you won’t buy restaurants that meal. It is healthier because you can follow nutritional guild line when meal prepping, it saves money, and you’ll stress less on weekdays. Secondly, you’ll plan it out and use the exactly amount of grocery you bought; it reduces food waste. 


Here are some tips on how to meal prep! 
1.You can start small by making a few meals and snack first if your cook skill and kitchenware is limited, this is my case, I would cook 10 tea egg and once, and eat 1 or two a day, when I feel tired of making omelet everyday, or if I have to work, I’ll cook one big pod of meal, and divide them into around 4 to 5 containers, then I don’t have to remember to bring lunch everyday, and when I have yummy meal waiting for me, I won’t buy lunch. 

2.Get organized, organize your fridge and cabinet, knowing what ingredients you have, write down the ingredients you need to cook what you want to cook, and mark out the ingredients you need to buy, so there’s won’t be duplicate.  

3.Prepare the containers for meal prep, once you are done you can divide some necessary ones you need to put in containers in containers. 

4.have in the pantry what you need, like whole grains, oil, baking essentials 

5.meal prep is a lifestyle, block out a time a week to do it 

6.Vary your menu, this way it’s yummy enough that you don’t want to buy outside when you think of your meal 

7.have a place for your recipes, this way you can accumulate recipes you cook and feel really good about your progress, if some recipe you like very much you can also cook it again 


Ok, here’s meal prep, next is mindful eating, being mindful when you eat can help you eat less, better your digestion, and you’ll be aware of what you are eating so you make better food choices next time.  

You can mindful eating by making eating a ritual, sit and eat, eat slowly, savor the food, and chew thoroughly. Basically if you can gather your family members, sit together at a round table and just eat and do nothing else, and enjoy the food, it’ll be really helpful. 


Next one is hydrate, can’t emphasize enough on how important it is to have enough water in your body. Drinking water can help bring nutrient to cells, get rid of waste, protects joints and organs and maintain body temperature. See how important that is. 

How you can drink more water is to have a big bottle that you like, fill it with water, when you are thirsty you can sip some, and you have a few sip every half hour, but if you enjoy drinking water you don’t need to do that, you can also make some tea without sugar or cream, like Chinese green tea, or Indian Chai, their flavors are light, and just add a bit of twist in water to make it taste better, don’t have it so dense, just a few tea leaves would do. 


Ok, I know it’s a lot of tip in the trilogy I wrote, you can pick a few easier to do to start first, or if you want to make a big change in your diet now then go for it! Make it fun, buy the new pot, make that nut snack, make that tea! Make that chart for your calory counting, buy and cut that cucumber! 


If you have something to share you can leave me a message in Contact Me session, I’ll share it with everyone if it is helpful, now go and eat something healthy. 


Links are below:,at%20every%20meal%20and%20snack,be%20your%20go%2Dto%20beverage

July 11, 2024 Bizarre Interview Story
Today I had an interview scheduled. But the interviewer didn't show up. Because it was a phone interview, they left their number and interview time on there, so by interview time I'm not sure if I should call them or wait for them to call me, I decided to be proactive, and I called them, it was directly in to message box, I quickly hang up, then decide I'll leave them a message, so I called again and left them a message, and started waiting, but they never called me.
And you know what I did? I emailed them and said "all humans are equal, my time needs to be respected as much as theirs!" And I told them either apologize, or I never want to speak to them again.

Now I gotta schedule the rest of the day as I gotta have some kind of achievement today, I'm going out for a walk, and decide on if I should hand out more resume, or work on my creative project, until 7 pm, so at least I've worked for 4 hours today.

By the way, I love using AI tools, I'm an artist myself, but I don't hate AI art, I wrote my own resume, but I don't mind AI, as they gave me ideas that expand my vision, while I can still make my own things. AI is our friend, not enemy, I'm sure big companies like Open AI or Meta or Gemini would make them friendly to human.
July 22, 2024 Book Review on FoodShed
Recently I read a book called FoodShed by Dee HobsBawn-Smith, it says how we eat is in a way how we use the world. Which I totally agree, it wrote about around 60 farms the author had visited. If we choose to eat organic food, people will use the time to grow more grass to feed the animals we eat, eat wild, protect wild animal's living environment. Might possibly start making small changes to the world.

I once heard from a model, we are what we eat, because what we eat made the cells in our body. So eat more organic, eat more whole food. Even when we eat junk food, use recyclable containers! Who knows, maybe when we do that not only we become more beautiful, the world also become a more sustainable place.
August 14, 2024 Life update
Hope I can get that job! You know what? Amazing update, my life is having progress, this time it might work out. Although it's uncertain. Awhile ago I applied to a factory, I almost got the job, but when I told them about my schedule, it didn't work out, so this time I 
showed up first to show my enthusiasm, then at the same time mention I need to go to school. But then it is a double blade sword, it might appear to be lacking integrity. Or maybe I'll be viewed as having street smart?

Yesterday I had my final exam for the course I'm taking, I still haven't get my grade yet, so I'm just checking my phone every once in 5 minute, as I really eagerly wants to get an A and actually deserve an A, I think my desire to get a good grade lead me to write a few extra lines in my solution, hopefully I did get an A.

I need to do something before my work today, to not focus too much on things out of my control. I think I'll make some art and do some reading. Have faith!
December 27, 2024 Life update
Lately I've been singing a bit, I searched up on Google, it says singing can exercise your cardiovascular system, involves deep breathing, so I do try to sing to get my healthy breath.

Other than that I discovered how positive I was when my situation wasn't as ideal, and I decided to clean my desk, wash my bedding, and it was really refreshing.

And other than that bible tells us to love each other, I find it hard sometimes, like I'm a bit critical towards people around me, but at the end of day it just drains me, and it's pointless, so I decide to focus on what's happy in life, keep on singing, keep on working hard
December 31, 2024 update
As I read through my previous blogs, I discovered sometimes when others treat me unfairly at interviews and when I went out, it shows up in my blog, I actually am a really nice person, I share some good books in my Blog, and wrote articles on healthy eating, which is not just for my benefit, but sharing what I know is good.
So I edit out one of my entries to explain things better, usually is others treat me unfairly, and then they saw my response a few month later and think I'm being arrogant.
February 5, 2025
I just finished reading another book, I've paused my reading for awhile, finally read some more!
I'm currently studying, the study is quite heavy, or maybe it's because the subject is something I've not mastered yet?
I'm taking a break from job searching, it is draining me. As a place holder for job search, since I'm almost not working, I'll do some art lessons again, it is something I used to have passion for like over 15 years ago, I've lost passion for it. But now that I haven't done it for awhile I got some new ideas.
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